¡Feliz año nuevo! Celebremos un nuevo comienzo con algunas citas de celebración en inglés, junto con mensajes inteligentes para enviar por mensaje de texto o poner como estado de Facebook, Whatsaap o Twitter. Compártalos a continuación:
“I remember 2017 like it was yesterday.” – Metro UK
“New year, new me!”
“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” – Bill Vaughn
“There have been many times in 2017, when I have annoyed you, disturbed you, irritated you, and bugged the hell out of you….today I just wanna tell you I plan to continue in 2017!” – Status99
“Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” – Goran Persson
“Haven’t showered once in 2017.” – Funny Status
“Forgot to make resolutions? Just write out everything you did last night and at the beginning add the word ‘stop.’” – Funny Status
“People treat New Year’s like some sort of life-changing event. If your life sucked last year, it’s probably still going to suck tomorrow.” – Status 99
“New Year’s Day … now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” – Mark Twain
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson